Efficient metabolism refers to the body’s ability to convert food and drink into energy effectively, ensuring optimal use of ...
A recent study suggests that a mouthwash containing matcha powder could have antibacterial properties, potentially inhibiting ...
Matcha tea was found by researchers to significantly reduce the growth of the bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis, which is a ...
Using matcha, a type of green tea, as a mouthwash could lead to a healthier smile, according to a new study. Researchers in Japan used a mouthwash made with matcha extract and were able to inhibit the ...
Lemon balm extract may assist in reasonable weight control and aid in avoiding emotional eating by lowering stress and anxiety. Catechins in green tea are antioxidants that have been demonstrated to ...
Periodontitis is an inflammatory gum disease driven by bacterial infection and left untreated it can lead to complications ...
Cavan Images//Getty Images Spearmint has spiky, lighter green leaves with green stems. Having mint tea after dinner is not ...
The green tea plant has long been studied for its potential to fight ... gingivalis cells had been killed by the matcha ...
Matcha, a finely ground green tea powder, may help keep bacteria that causes periodontitis at bay.
This depends on whether the tea contains any sources of caffeine, such as green or black tea leaves. Tea that only contains steeped turmeric will not contain any caffeine. As a result, it may be ...
Are you looking for Ice Tea? If yes, here’s the complete list of the best Cold cereals that are delicious and healthy.
Left: Ultra Green Coffee Classic Blend has green coffee extract with mangosteen ... when he read about it in the contents of ...