Before you reach for a pricey immunity shot, medical experts weigh in on whether there's anything you can do to avoid a cold ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has updated a previous bottle water recall after more than a million bottles of water were recalled from store shelves.
Deciding whether to wait and see if your health condition improves or go to a GP can be a difficult task. You might be unsure ...
For many Australians the emergency department (ED) is the physical and emblematic front door to accessing urgent health-care services.
Public hospitals across Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) continued to provide high quality, safe care throughout ...
The NSW Government is revolutionising the way surgery is delivered to reduce the overdue wait list, by embracing short stay and same day surgeries.
Emergency department presentations have hit a record high in Hunter New England, heaping more pressure on the crippled public ...
Systolic hypertension is a major health economy problem within our aging society. Increased arterial stiffness is the vascular phenotype of systolic hypertension, especially of the large arteries ...
“If you’ve got a non-life-threatening condition, I encourage everyone to phone HealthDirect where you will speak with a ...
Honey contains antioxidant properties that are said to help soothe irritated, inflamed airways and ease coughing reflex.
Patients across NSW have benefited from more than 55,000 visits to Urgent Care Services since the NSW Government rollout began in mid-2023, easing pressure on busy public hospital emergency ...
The stigma surrounding mental illness, and the stigma surrounding substance use dependence, continue despite ongoing public awareness campaigns to increase knowledge and understanding. People wanting ...