If you've got a garden in partial or full shade, invest in this hydrangea variety. It's a gorgeous shrub that thrives in ...
The variety and timing matters when deadheading hydrangeas so you don't accidentally cut off future flowers. Hydrangeas add ...
Many hydrangea varieties prefer morning sun and afternoon shade, but some types can handle even more shade, especially in ...
One of the most noticeable plants in our landscapes in late spring and summer are the hydrangeas which are commonly referred to as Bigleaf Hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla). They form either ...
“Mophead and lacecap, Hydrangea macrophylla, are exotic types that benefit from a mild late winter and spring. The buds at ...
Hydrangea plants offer big, beautiful flowers, but one common mistake could be the reason you aren't getting your desired ...
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’ is one of ... according to Vater. “Some varieties of hydrangeas set their flower buds on old wood, meaning the stems that grew the previous year.
It will also bring wildlife into your garden, with Hancock adding, “It shows off a regular supply of pink, red, orange, or ...
The National Garden Bureau designated 2024 as the Year of the Hosta, but I would dare say that once you start growing hostas, ...
Some hydrangea cultivars are patented. A patented cultivar is protected, and it is illegal to reproduce a patented cultivar ...
Oakleaf (Hydrangea quercifolia) (oakleaf hydrangea) and smooth (Hydrangea arborescens) varieties are two native species that are especially great for gardens, said Becca Wait, North Carolina ...