For months, KPU Electric employees have been raising serious alarms about infrastructure, funding, and dwindling employees at ...
ERCOT issues various notices to the public, including conservation requests and weather watches, when it is concerned that ...
Impurity carryover can cause great damage in steam networks and particularly to steam turbines. This article examines many of ...
Hitachi Energy estimates that using the HyFlex H2 generator can eliminate about 1,600 metric tons of diesel fuel annually, ...
potentially leading to premature closures of still-useful generators. “There's huge environmental benefits to electrify the ...
Electromechanical services provider Cortés Industrial in Caguas, Puerto Rico, has been sold to Greenville, South ...
In line with global efforts towards sustainability, the development of energy harvesting technologies has become a top ...
Boulder’s City Council appears poised to approve a new energy code that will require many types of new buildings, as well as ...
Many people including some soldiers were reportedly killed yesterday when a reign of terror was unleashed on the South East geopolitical zone.Vehicles and Keke Napep were also set ablaze by rampaging ...
As the region transforms its energy landscape, EQL aims to bring everyone along for the journey. It's about giving everyone a ...
If the City Council adopts the 2024 CoBECC, new residential buildings and significant remodels will need to incorporate ...
The need to sustain Kaduna state to its pride of place as a competitive business and industrial hub with attendant benefits to the citizens through upgrade of infrastructure which has multiplying ...