We tested 10+ bloating supplements to see if they reduced our bloating and overall gut health. Here are our top six.
Here’s our process. If you’ve discovered you have a deficiency in vitamin D, you’re not alone. It’s particularly common among people who get limited sun exposure, as well as people with ...
Curcumin is believed to treat psoriasis by interfering the overproduction of skin cells that create scaly psoriasis plaques.
A vitamin D deficiency may cause hair loss. As vitamin D helps hair follicles grow, low vitamin D levels can affect hair growth. Low vitamin day may be present in people with alopecia. Vitamin D ...
The argument began when Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, raised concerns that daily sunscreen use could lead to vitamin D deficiency. While Spector’s ...
The best supplements for men who work out to support recovery, hydration, and overall health—tested and expert-approved.
Experts advise adults aged 19–70 to regularly take 15 micrograms (mcg), or 600 international units (IU), of vitamin D per day. The benefits of vitamin D, or the "sunshine vitamin," include ...
Low vitamin D also increases your risk of osteoporosis, since it helps your body absorb calcium. Too little vitamin D can lead to another condition called osteomalacia, which causes pain and weak ...
Most of these nutrients can come from food and exercise, apart from vitamin D. We need the sun for that, and living in the UK and working too hard indoors can mean most of us can easily become ...
As a steroid hormone and fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin D plays a role in your body's calcium absorption, bone mineralization, and immune system function. It may also play a role in hair health.
A bit of sun can help our bodies make vitamin D, which is important to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. You don’t need to sunbathe to get enough vitamin D. Most people in the UK can make enough ...