Accurately predicting dangerous solar storms relies on understanding how the Sun's magnetic field operates. But its origins ...
New simulations suggest that the origins of the sun's explosive storms could lie much closer to its surface than first ...
The possible origin of the sun's magnetic field was discovered in a groundbreaking study, revealing new insight into solar ...
The Sun’s magnetic field is shallow, suggests new research, which used computer simulation to model the flow of plasma in the ...
New model contradicts previous theories that the sun’s magnetic field originates deep inside its interior. But deep origin ...
Solar spots and storms are the most evident and spectacular indication of the frenetic activity that takes place every day on ...
Simulation and analysis have been performed to evaluate ... Looking to the future, the researchers will employ a more ...
New research suggests the sun’s magnetic field originates 20,000 miles beneath the surface, much closer than the previously estimated 130,000 miles. This discovery could improve predictions of ...
Scientists may have taken one step closer to solving a centuries-old conundrum about the sun's magnetic field. The sun's powerful magnetic field is responsible for the sunspots that spit out ...
The sun has a powerful magnetic field that creates sunspots on the star's surface and unleashes solar storms such as the one that bathed much of the planet in beautiful auroras this month.Related ...