Push through the legs to power the dumbbell up. Keep it close into the body—think about it like zipping up a coat. Think of ...
To lift weights at home, first you need the weights. That’s simple enough—just buy a barbell set, if you’re into barbell ...
Before performing a Power Clean, always warm up. The exercise involves explosive movements that require adequate muscle ...
The weightlifting runs from 7 to 11 August at the South Paris Arena 6, which is part of the Paris Expo centre. There are 10 ...
Using a barbell teaches your body to coordinate itself while pulling and pushing weight, and can make your fitness routine ...
At most gyms in the U.S., a typical barbell is seven feet long and weighs either 45 ... Fortunately, I do different lifts in each place, so I just keep my Olympic lifting notes in kilos and my ...
With a plethora of workout options available today, picking one that suits you needs to suit your budget but also be ...
Your quads, hamstrings and glutes are made up of multiple muscles, which are responsible for multiple lower-body functions, so it’s important to have multiple leg exercises ... the barbell back down ...
Sprinter Beth Dobbin talks about epileptic seizure, medication, mental health, becoming British Champion and representing ...
but a second Olympic medal will elevate her among India's all-time greatest athletes, a conversation she does not (unfairly ...