And so we found ourselves questioning the effectiveness of the $8 Jiffy Organic Seed Starting Mix (incorrectly ... we created a slurry using the Jiffy mix and instructions from Aptus Plant Tech to get ...
However, some plants do not do well with indoor seed starting and grow better when planted directly into the soil. If you’re ...
Explore chaos gardening—a low-maintenance approach that combines spontaneity with nature's unpredictability to create lush, ...
Companion Plants for Pest Control Noreen Thomas of Doubting Thomas farms shares how her farm uses strategic companion planting as organic pest ... contribute to overall soil health without ...
Simply purchase seeds of lettuce, greens, mustard, radishes, beets, peas, and even sunflowers. Buy organic seeds or those ...
Or have you had trouble starting summer vegetable, herb and flower seeds in the past? Enroll in my Easy Seed Starting ... worm castings and organic vegetable fertilizer. Mix in to the top few ...
That said, you and I know they can be quite expensive sometimes… This is why we’ve made this list of the best autoflower seeds from reputable seed banks ... Best Organic Soil Mix for ...
Many organic gardeners keep a bottle of liquid fish fertilizer on hand to feed young seedlings, plants growing in containers, and any garden crop that needs a nutrient boost. But liquid ...
Since you get to decide what kind of soil mix ... of starting your seeds will determine the success of your harvest. Here are the six most common mistakes to steer clear of when seed starting ...