So there’s trouble in the Baltic Sea and other waters in its neighbourhood — even though many assumed that the accession of Sweden and Finland had made the tiny ocean a “Nato lake”.
Learn more Helix has emerged as one of the most well-known brands in the mattress industry, though you may not have heard of its eco-friendly Birch label. Made of certified organic materials in an ...
Molly Higgins is a product/content reviewer and contributing producer at WIRED. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English from UCLA and an MFA in creative nonfiction writing from the ...
The Kremlin has said that Russia must take steps to ensure its security over "confrontation in the Baltic" amid alarm and uncertainty over Moscow's plans to change its maritime border with ...
"Because of the openly hostile line of Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, all interstate, interdepartmental, regional and sectoral ties with Russia have been severed," Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of ...
"We will also respond to the hostile actions of the Baltic states with asymmetrical measures, primarily in the economic and transit spheres," Zakharov detailed. Russia's 2022 full-scale invasion ...
There have been calls for calm in Finland and the Baltic states after a draft Russian decree proposed revising its borders in the Baltic Sea. Latvia said it was trying to clarify the situation ...
Human activities account for 20% to more than 60% of toxic thallium entering the Baltic Sea over the past eight decades, according to new research. Currently, the amount of thallium, which is ...
Baltic officials told German representatives they might send troops to Ukraine, Der Spiegel reported. The report says their condition for moving in troops is if Russia achieves a breakthrough in ...
Back in 1993, before the Baltic country joined the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Moscow-backed Narva council members organized a referendum on regional “autonomy ...
Russia’s Defense Ministry has unilaterally moved to revise the borders of Russian territorial waters in the Baltic Sea, drafting a government decree on the expansion without even bothering to ...
May 5 (Reuters) - The "hostile line" of the Baltic countries have led to the severance of most of their ties with Russia, the Russian foreign ministry said in remarks published on Sunday ...