Two is better than one, especially if you’re talking about sump pumps. If you consider your primary sump pump as being in charge of keeping your basement or crawl space dry, you can think of a ...
There are four main ingredients in the production of beer: malt, hops, yeast and... sewage? That last one might not sound like the most intuitive choice, but it's the one that's already being made ...
Some homeowners, for instance, might pump water out of their basements directly into the wastewater system or a building might drain rainwater runoff from its roof to a sewage pipe instead of a ...
After the recent rainy season, flows in the Tijuana River are decreasing, but significant dry weather flows remain via the Smugglers Gulch, a creek carrying untreated sewage and trash from Tijuana ...
A long stretch of Los Angeles coastal waters was under a closure order Friday after a large spill of untreated sewage into a creek that empties into the ocean. The spill began Wednesday and about ...
Roughly 14,400 gallons of untreated sewage forced Los Angeles County public health officials to warn people to stay out of the water at Dockweiler State Beach, Venice Beach and the surrounding area.
The cost to install a heat pump ranges from $1,500 to $20,000, with an average price of $10,750. The higher end of this price range assumes additional contract work, such as excavation in the case ...
The Shadow Environment Secretary said he's disgusted that seeds passed through human poo are growing into grotty tomato plants after filthy sewage gets pumped into waterways. You can watch the ...
“I saw a tweet talking about the extent of the problem, and the numbers were so enormous I thought it couldn’t be true – that there was so much sewage being dumped,” he says now.
But wastewater surveillance — the testing of sewage for signs of pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, poliovirus and mpox virus — has yet to be employed in the tracking of H5N1 bird flu virus.
Water companies released record spills of raw sewage into the sea and rivers in England in 2023. Firms are allowed to release a limited amount of sewage during periods of excess rain, but there is ...