What if charging your phone took less time than brushing your teeth? A new study published in Proceedings of the National ...
Analysts predict 'once in a decade' transformation will be unleashed by powerful, AI-driven IntelliPhone successors to ...
AI-powered IntelliPhones could redefine mobile technology with features like context-aware assistants, object recognition, ...
Gov. Hochul entirely right: Smartphones don’t belong in school. It’s not just that they’re a needless distraction: They’re ...
If the work of schools is to educate students, that is to prepare them for responsible lives, then, among other tasks, we ...
Haidt also recommends no smartphone use before age 13 and no social media before age 16. That’s good advice, not only for ...
New research from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health shows smartphones may actually help teens ...
The share of 5G smartphones will increase exponentially in the years to come, registering another year of double-digit growth ...
Adults and adolescents are on a trajectory of increased screen time. We’re hooked on the benefits — but at what cost? by ...
There’s nothing special about my experience. The first generation of teens with smartphones had never used them before, but they very quickly created a whole digital world with them. Teens or young ...
Gov. Hochul said she would prevent kids from bringing smartphones to NY schools but allow "flip phones" that allow texting, ...
Gov. Kathy Hochul is considering a ban on smartphones in schools as several state officials aim to keep children safe online ...