Nearly half of Americans have some type of allergy. Are you one of them? Here's everything you need to know about if ...
Mold concentrations decrease notably in winter, especially when covered by snow. Cat and dog allergens are common indoor allergens in homes with pets. These allergens can stay in the air for a long ...
While you may be able to mitigate smaller spots of mold yourself, sections greater than 5 feet in width require treatment by professionals, because it’s likely the mold has invaded the underlay ...
Allergies are caused by the body’s immune system reacting to foreign objects, which can include pollen, pet dander or mold ... say no single allergy medicine or treatment is guaranteed to ...
Read on to learn about the possible causes and their additional symptoms and when you should seek emergency treatment ... Any type of allergy can cause anaphylaxis, and it can happen within ...
This can result in a misdiagnosis. This article looks at the symptoms of an oat allergy, as well as some diagnosis and treatment options. The symptoms of an oat allergy can vary from mild to ...
However, apart from these issues, summer is infamously known as ‘Allergy Season’ as allergens such as pollen and mold ...
Some people may not even realize they have an allergy to something until they experience anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical treatment. The first course of action is to inject a ...
The New Indian Express on MSN1d
Anaphylaxis: the Darth Vader of allergies
Trigger and Treatment As Dr Gupta mentioned earlier, the problem is how we look at allergies, which are often dismissed as ...
Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for monitoring the effectiveness of your Bull Terrier's allergy management. During ...
A veterinary dermatologist explains that dogs can get allergies, but it manifests in different behaviors and symptoms.