vitamin E, resulting in a reduction in damaging inflammation, a study ... Vitamin D Reduces the Need for Opioids in Palliative Cancer Aug. 5, 2021 — Patients with vitamin D deficiency who ...
America's obsession with low-fat diets has contributed to otherwise healthy people being deficient in some healthy fats. These fats are necessary for strong immunity, healthy brain function ...
The test also checks for vitamin E deficiency. While vitamin E deficiency is rare, it can be a sign of underlying conditions such as Crohn’s disease and chronic pancreatitis. If you’re ...
"There are three antioxidants that have been proven to decrease the effect of the sun on the skin and actually prevent further damage: selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C." Antioxidants are known ...
Vitamin E contains the same antioxidant prowess as its vitamin C counterpart possesses. It means it can curb oxidative stress by balancing out the electron level in free radicals. People more ...
Experts advise adults aged 19–70 to regularly take 15 micrograms (mcg), or 600 international units (IU), of vitamin D per day. The benefits of vitamin D, or the "sunshine vitamin," include ...
Vitamin K2, or menaquinone (MK), is a type of vitamin K. Vitamin K is a collection of compounds the body needs to function. The K2 type may benefit bone, blood, and heart health. Vitamin K2 is ...
Low vitamin D also increases your risk of osteoporosis, since it helps your body absorb calcium. Too little vitamin D can lead to another condition called osteomalacia, which causes pain and weak ...
Here’s our process. The LetsGetChecked Vitamin D test involves taking a finger-prick blood sample. Once a person receives their test kit, they will need to activate it by answering a series of ...
Vitamin B12 should be on your radar, especially if you follow a plant-based diet. Eating a diet that includes foods rich in vitamin B12 can help, but the best B12 supplements can also make sure ...
If you are eager to get deeper insights into you Vitamin B12, E, copper and more, this is a great test to understand where you may be deficient. It is a easy experience and LetsGetChecked does a ...