A man is detained by police after a stabbing at the High Tide Casino on Midland Road on Sunday. One person was taken to a ...
In a total of 240 tests, the tools generated convincing voice clones in 193 cases, or 80% of the time, the group found. In ...
Catching the right amount of sleep is no easy task in Grand Slam tennis these days — for the athletes or those watching them ...
The exhibit tells the story of the fight between the Nez Perce and the U.S. Army that happened nearly 150 years ago just ...
The history of D-Day is often told through the stories of men who fought and died. But behind the scenes were hundreds of ...
Racing ahead of his fellow students, Jeremyah Kindness began running around the prairie dog burrow, arms outstretched as if ...
For George Takei, who portrayed Hikaru Sulu aboard the USS Enterprise in the “Star Trek” franchise, it’s a story he is ...
In the world of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide gets most of the blame. But tiny organisms that flourish in the world's farm fields emit a far more potent gas, nitrous oxide, and scientists ...
As a prior Legislative Aide on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, the job required a Montana hunting dog’s nose for ‘signals’. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Inspector General (IG) sent a Big Signal this week ...
The upcoming election for the Eastern Montana 2nd U.S. Congressional seat has nine candidates vying for the Republican nomination. I am endorsing Ric Holden. Ric Holden and I both graduated from ...
Readers won’t be surprised by the reaction roll call in “Montana Republicans defend Trump after conviction, blast ‘sham’ trial” (Billings Gazette, May 31). Like parrots on a perch, Montana’s GOP ...
Like so many Americans, I am feeling a sense of uneasiness. It reminds me of times in my childhood when we played softball on an empty lot. It was fun; sometimes we lost, sometimes we won. But that ...