Our monthly Happiness Calendar is a day-by-day guide to well-being. This month, we hope it helps you think outside the box.
Caribbean music can bring people together and get us moving and dancing, alongside its cultural and political significance.
Although she was seated alone at the table, she was experiencing social anxiety. Social anxiety involves fear of negative ...
Trying out a mindful body scan may also reduce intrusive thoughts. By focusing on sensations in your body—tension or pain, differences in temperature, points of contact with the ground, etc.—you can ...
In the chaos of life, it's helpful to remember that circumstances always change and we can improve our lives with effort.
Do the phrases Type A personality, overachiever, or chronic finisher resonate with you? If so, you (and I) are not alone. The challenge with these identities is that they can lead to burnout. That was ...
Twenty years ago, I helped to lead a major college protest responding to a series of hate crimes and hate-related incidents at my undergraduate alma mater. Thousands of students participated, and it ...
We round up the most-read and highly rated Greater Good articles from the past year. A Q&A with Jack Kornfield about giving feedback at work, using social media wisely, and the poetry in his teachings ...
With heated protests around the Israel-Hamas war at universities worldwide, here are three ideas for shifting from conflict to conversation. Here's how one teacher has tried to help students envision ...