It looks like the United States has changed Australia’s mind. In April, the Australians doubted private shipbuilder Austal ...
Trade barriers, tariffs and other protectionist tools are starting to feature more prominently around the world, often ...
In recent years, countries have faced a stark choice between Chinese and Western suppliers to develop their 5G cellular ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he had authorised a military exercise involving the deployment of tactical nuclear ...
Australia has the chance to resolve the problems the AUKUS partners and their friends and allies have with critical minerals, ...
Federal government initiatives revealed this month have reinforced Northern Australia’s pivotal role in national and ...
The shire of Burdekin is the capital of north Queensland’s sugar industry and also the centre of a revolution Australian cane ...
The nuclear-powered, conventionally armed submarines to be built under the AUKUS agreement are on track to be the world’s ...
For most of the past decade, Australia’s six Collins class submarines have provided the nation with a fine underwater warfare ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is immune from arrest in foreign states under international law, because he’s a ...
Australia, India, Japan and the United States—revived the long-dormant Quad in 2017, their objective was clear: to create a ...
Australia’s planned acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines is undoubtedly ambitious and risky. But the frequent negativity ...