Some call it spam. Others call it marketing. Recipients want it to stop, while senders are looking to perfect their “art.” ...
(TNS) — Intel Corp. is pouring money into educational programs at Ohio universities and colleges, including some free ...
A state audit found that a public online college based in New Britain, Conn., was at high risk of cyber attack or other ...
The San Francisco company described in a blog post how its chatbots have already been misused to post political spam and ...
The state program would match private dollars in an effort to build out the technology ecosystem with project funding. Areas ...
The state will issue every sworn officer in its Department of Corrections a body-worn camera. This will make it just the ...
The state’s chief information officer of more than five years has a varied background that includes 25 years in the U.S. Air ...
If approved by the full county board in June, the project will bring together dozens of local law enforcement and fire ...
By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site ...
(TNS) — A medical school planning to build a $1 billion Natomas hospital using a city of Sacramento financial incentive is ...
The utility company announced initial phases of its plan to cut power to customers in certain areas when it becomes concerned ...
The state Legislature has set aside $250,000 this year to study underground water levels and ensure they don’t run dry amid ...