Very good overall accuracy and saturation, with only minor shifts in hue and intensity. In the diagram above, the squares show the original color, and the circles show the color that the camera ...
Worst case buffer clearing time. -- This is the delay after a set of shots before you can remove the card. 17 seconds after 7 RAW files* 27 seconds after 7 RAW+ LF JPEG files* *Note: Buffer ...
For the first time in 22 years, Adobe has released a public beta of its flagship image editing software. Of course, they would have to wait until version 13. But if you're feeling lucky, download ...
35mm 864.0mm 2 21.1 megapixels ISO 100 - 6400 ...
Among the concessions made in the name of attaining the Sony's NEX-5 extraordinarily compact size was the elimination of any form of built-in viewfinder, with the LCD display serving as the sole ...
APS-C 332.3mm 2 18.0 megapixels ISO 100 - 6400 ...
Here are screen-shots of the Nikon D7000's Custom Setting Menu. The D7000 has a total of 48 custom settings. Note the Live view/movie AF options. Sorry, missing ...
Very nice job, with great resolution, detail, and excellent color, although contrast is high. The extreme tonal range of this image makes it a tough shot for many digicams, which is precisely why ...
Permanently archived digital photos straight from your camera, at about $0.02 apiece! No more file-compression limitations for the Mavica line! - For the last four days, we here at the Imaging ...
I've begun including links in our reviews to a Thumber-generated index page for the test shots. The Thumber data includes a host of information on the images, including shutter speed, ISOsetting ...
Navigate Review Jump to review page... In the diagram above, the squares show the original color, and the circles show the color that the camera captured. More saturated colors are located toward ...
One of the old-line global leaders in the photo industry, Canon cameras cover the range from entry-level point & shoot models to high-end professional SLRs at the very top of the market.