Libraries have long had social workers embedded in them. The need for libraries to connect people with resources beyond books ...
Since late 2022, federal prosecutors in Minnesota have charged dozens of people in connection with what they allege was a ...
The formal seal of approval from the party activists came after Minneapolis business agent Dan Engelhart tried to launch a ...
President Joe Biden gave remarks on the Middle East at the White House on Friday. He said it is time for the war in Gaza to ...
If you’re a parent struggling to get your kids off their devices and outdoors to play, here’s another reason to keep trying: ...
Nickolas Norberg, 37, died in October 2022, about five hours after he was taken to the Stearns County Jail. The final hours ...
An event about art, science and neurodiversity, McKnight Fellows announced, a baby opera sells out, seniors tell stories and ...
The body of one of two canoeists missing in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness for nearly two weeks was located on ...
Two-time Olympian Nicole Hensley and her swift goaltending skills helped lift Minnesota to victory. St. Paul is celebrating ...
Log in to share your opinion with MPR News and add it to your profile. Flags were at half-staff across Minnesota on Friday, a ...
Girls in the U.S. are getting their first menstrual period about 6 months earlier on average than they did in the 1950s and ...
A new survey by the U.S. Census Bureau highlights the ongoing mental health crisis, revealing that anxiety and depression ...