He posted his first video from a UFC fight in New Jersey on Saturday, two days after he had become the first former president ...
Dear Amy: You recently ran a question from “Jake from PA,” who was hurt because his adopted daughter wanted to reach out to ...
Oregon’s manufacturing sector still hasn’t recovered from the pandemic recession — in fact, it’s going in the wrong direction ...
Day, thousands of Allied soldiers crossed the choppy waters of the English Channel by air and sea to land on beaches and ...
Dear Liz: I read your column regarding the wife who filed for her Social Security benefits at 62 and received $1,500, while ...
Undeniably the tension over transgender rights in athletics is playing out in the public arena. In this case, Hayward Field.
The recent editorial, “ County at a crossroads, a pushback on growth and other election takeaways, ” (May 28) leads me to the ...
Wyden, a Democrat, has represented Oregon in the U.S. Senate since 1996. Thank goodness Bill Walton was never content to just ...
Dear Liz: You responded to a woman who was concerned that a missed payment had hurt her credit score. My situation is also ...
Rain on Sunday will be followed by showers Monday and Tuesday, and then the weather pattern becomes more like summer.
The 100-plus-year-old building has been a gathering place for Portland’s Black community and civil rights groups for decades.
Trump supporters can say whatever they want to about bogus charges and a politically motivated prosecution and judge. The ...