Leading German alpinist Martin Feistl lost his life on 18 May 2024 on Scharnitzspitze while soloing the 'Spitzenstätter' ...
At Villanueva del Rosario in Spain Anak Verhoven has climbed the 9b 'Planta de Shiva' for a second time in a week, this time ...
British rock climb Jesse Dufton has become the first blind climber to lead a climb on Devil’s Tower, Wyoming. Supported by his wife Molly, the 1986 born paraclimber repeated 'El Matador' (5.10d, 150m) ...
Eddie Fowke reports about the first leg of the Olympic Qualifier Series that took place in Shanghai, China, 10 days ago. The ...
A fortnight ago French rock climber Soline Kentzel climbed her hardest route to date, Le Voyage (E10/8b+) at Annot in France. First ascended by James Pearson in 2017, the route is still ranked as one ...
A large portion of Sessi, one of the best crags in the entire Valle di Susa, has succumbed to rockfall. Carlo Giuliberti ...
We have received and published the following open letter entitled 'Alpine sport climbs ground-up first ascents: an art of ...
British rock climb Jesse Dufton has become the first blind climber to lead a climb on Devil’s Tower, Wyoming. Supported by his wife Molly, the 1986 born paraclimber repeated 'El Matador' (5.10d, 150m) ...
Fred Caloggero (40) and American Mountain Guide Joseph Hobby (35) made the first ascent of a new route on Mantok 1 above the ...
Domenica 2 giugno il Club Alpino Italiano Sicilia, insieme ad altre associazioni di protezione ambientale, organizza il ...
Planetmountain.com è un sito che tratta di arrampicata, alpinismo, trekking, vie ferrate, freeride, sci alpinismo, snowboard, ...
Planetmountain.com è un sito che tratta di arrampicata, alpinismo, trekking, vie ferrate, freeride, sci alpinismo, snowboard, racchette da neve, arrampicata su ghiaccio su tutte le montagne del mondo.