As industries from automotive to construction emphasize battery-powered operations, there is an increased need for batteries ...
Corals play an essential role in ocean ecosystems, and like many organisms, they are under threat from climate change and ...
When investigators examined breast tissue specimens from different women, they found that the expression of RPGRIP1L was elevated in invasive breast cancer specimens compared with normal breast tissue ...
Lurking within the emissions from many industrial operations is an untapped resource — carbon dioxide (CO2). A contributor of greenhouse gas and global warming, it could instead be captured and ...
Cell division is one of the most fundamental processes of life. From bacteria to blue whales, every living being on Earth relies on cell division for growth, reproduction, and species survival. Yet, ...
What if there is a biodegradable packaging material with high performance without leaving microplastics? Plastic pollution presents a global challenge that must be solved. In particular, packaging ...
A new study from Harvard University investigated trends in the timing of when girls start their first period. The paper, ...
Investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital identified and assessed underlying mechanisms that may explain the ...
Researchers were stunned by the discovery of cutmarks around cancerous growths on an ancient Egyptian skull, which allowed ...
Refeyn, is delighted to announce the appointment of Fiona Coats as Chief Marketing Officer, effective from June, 2024.
A drug approved to treat certain autoimmune diseases and cancers successfully alleviated symptoms of a rare genetic syndrome ...
Scientists at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology Genome Sequencing Center (GSC) and other collaborators set out to ...