House Speaker Dade Phelan has stuck to the tradition of appointing chairs from the opposing party, drawing fierce pushback ...
The court ruled against 20 women who said they were denied medically necessary abortions, saying the medical exceptions in ...
The attorney general repeatedly uses laws meant to protect against fraudulent or deceptive practices to target hospitals, ...
Lawmakers are struggling to balance demands for medicinal cannabis products with a wildly growing market that is outpacing ...
After coming in second in the primary, Phelan was at a disadvantage heading into the runoff. With record breaking cash ...
Attorneys general have increasingly used their power to pursue investigations targeting organizations whose work conflicts ...
The proposed curriculum overhaul was released a week after the Texas GOP proposed requiring the Bible to be taught in public ...
Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton crusaded against House Republicans who voted against school vouchers and in ...
The race became a referendum on the San Antonio Republican’s vote to support a bipartisan gun control package after the ...
Gov. Greg Abbott inaugurated the base, which will be able to house at least 1,800 troops when construction is finished. Gov.
In limited instances, the choices some Texas voters make can later be identified using public, legally available data.