State and non-state actors in many countries are attempting to roll back hard-won progress and further entrench stigma, ...
Millions of women and girls worldwide still cannot afford menstrual products or access water and sanitation facilities to ...
The world has a gender equality problem, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) mirrors the gender bias in our society. Although ...
Every month, more than two billion people[1] around the world menstruate. Although a natural and healthy process, ...
As the United Nations prepares to mark the International Day of the UN Peacekeepers (29 May), paying tribute to the dedication and sacrifice made by peacekeepers around the world, UN Women spoke to ...
My thanks to Mozambique for convening us around the crucial agenda of women, youth, peace, and security. On November 1 st last year, UN Women published a story about a 34-year-old psychotherapist in ...
The theme of this year’s International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia[1], ‘Leave No One Behind: Equality, Freedom and Justice for All’, underscores the urgent need to address the ...
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) awards grants to initiatives demonstrating that violence against women and girls (VAW/G) can be systematically addressed, reduced, and, ...