Trees should be properly placed to avoid conflicts with power ... It prefers part shade to full sun and will tolerate many soil types. American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) is native to the ...
Our master gardener loves the classic look of peonies in the garden. To amp up their showiness, plant them as companions ...
Redbud trees have a thin trunk and branches ... soils if you don’t want to change your soil’s composition. Popular types of small trees that prefer slow-draining clay soil include the ...
Two of Cervoni’s favorites include Kousa dogwood, which is more disease resistant than native dogwood, and redbud trees (seen ...
What trees make good replacements for Callery pear ... well-drained soil that is slightly acidic but tolerates many soil types in community environments. The downy serviceberry, A.
Jones said that a variety of native plants adds to the biodiversity and creates a stronger system all around us.
This garden, which includes real and artificial plants and repurposed accessories, will be featured on the 30th Anniversary ...
It's no secret that dealing with pests in the backyard is part and parcel of being a gardener. It can be a nuisance to see ...
explaining that limiting the types of plants she uses gives the garden a cohesive look. “I like to follow through with what I have.” While there are a few plants and trees in Armstrong’s ...
Black cherry trees also serve as hosts for more than 400 different types of moths and butterflies ... the look of a crepe myrtle in full bloom, Redbud and Dogwood are just as remarkable, if ...
Eastern Redbud trees, with their vibrant blooms and heart-shaped leaves ... Eastern Redbuds are not particularly fussy about soil types, but they flourish in well-drained, rich soils with a neutral to ...
Trees should be properly placed to avoid conflicts with power ... It prefers part shade to full sun and will tolerate many ...