Many hackers have familiar sayings in their heads, such as “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and KISS (Keep it simple, stupid ...
Will Cogley] makes eyeballs; hey, everyone needs a hobby, and we don’t judge. Like all his animatronics, his eyeballs are ...
Recently, the Ukrainian government has published a database of Western components being used in recently produced Russian ...
Many people have been attracted to the low price and big dreams of the CNC3018 desktop CNC router. If you’re quick, you can ...
The widespread availability of inexpensive 3D printers has brought about a revolution in what can be easily made at home.
We think it’s OK to admit that when someone puts a binary display on a project, it’s just a thinly veiled excuse to get more blinkenlights into the world. That and it’s a way to ...
An essential part of drones are the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) which translate the commands from the flight computer ...