中央氣象署目前針對臺南地區發布大雨特報。臺南市長黃偉哲提醒市民朋友,近期天氣較不穩定,記得攜帶雨具也請務必注意行車安全,也責成各區公所需加強道路側溝巡檢清除落葉及垃圾堵塞物,以利排水暢通。為因應梅雨鋒面影響,水利局已先於5月31日通知各公所及權管單位 ...
桃園市長張善政2日上午前往中壢區,出席「113 ...
安平區某托嬰中心發生幼兒不當照顧案經社會局調查後,予以停業3個月處分,針對托育人員各裁處6萬元罰鍰。社會局已召開家長說明會,調查家長托育需求及意願,全力協助幼兒與家長轉托事宜。社會局指出,已於第一時間召開家長說明會並成立「轉托協助專案小組」,由專人負 ...
(中央社台北2日電)歐洲聯盟如何決定對中國 電動車 徵稅備受關注;德國研究指出,如果歐盟最終加徵20%關稅,估計中國對歐盟電動車出口將減少12.5萬輛,價值將近40億美元(約新台幣1300億元)。
(中央社記者洪素津台北2日電)日本新世代7人男團Travis Japan宣布世界巡迴演唱會開跑,台灣場將於9月3日、4日登場。團員松倉海斗提及上次來台遇到困難,最難忘是警察對外國人的熱心幫助。
ZOLOCHIV, Ukraine—The thud of bombs followed by the roar of air raid sirens pierce through the air in Zolochiv, a desolate ...
Joseph Ortega has big plans for the garden at Aspen Community School. Ortega, an art teacher, is one of the primary caretakers of the garden, which clings to a hill at the back of the Aspen campus. He ...
Three juveniles are in custody after Minneapolis police broke up a crime spree Saturday, with the arrests coming after a foot pursuit by officers who recovered four handguns. In a news release, ...
The Powerball lottery jackpot for Saturday, June 1, is at $161 million. Check your tickets for the winning numbers!
Consider the number of kids in foster care in West Virginia. Right now, there are 6, 094 children and teens here in that circumstance, according to numbers culled by the state Department of Health and ...
Arraignments began this week in Monongalia County Circuit Court for those indicted during the grand jury session earlier this month on May 15 — 17. May's grand jury delivered 126 indictments against ...