In the final stages of the EU election campaign, the FPÖ is clearly trying to avoid being associated with right-wing ...
While Austrians were still able to afford 14 square meters of property for an average annual income in 2004, this figure has ...
Princess Kate is expected to be absent until the end of the year. The palace has been looking for a replacement - and has ...
The summer months are once again a busy time at airports. The security control staff are particularly challenged. The ...
Wolfsberg's Thierno Ballo is allowed to prove himself in the big team squad, which is why he also made it into the big EURO ...
A retired primary school teacher from Carinthia conquers Rome: for the first time, a team of two Parkinson's players will ...
Richard Lugner wasn't the only one to tie the knot this weekend - billionaire Rupert Murdoch also tied the knot. Unlike the ...
From the Sierra Nevada to the flatlands. After the altitude training camp, Patrick Konrad is finally back home on the roller ...
Ski jumping stars are guests in Villach for another week. Before the training camp, there were two days of tips for the young ...
"Everything is so huge. Really worth seeing," says Alexander Pfleger. The 21-year-old welder from St. Jakob im Walde recently ...
The first thriller in the men's quarter-finals at this year's French Open was decided in a matter of minutes. Stefanos ...
Peter Berry from the Neos party may not become a Vienna city councillor, but with a bit of luck he could enter the EU ...