Like whale blubber, oil as a dominant source of energy will gradually be phased out over the next decades. Here's what that ...
The Eye of the Sahara, also known as the Richat structure, stands out like an oversized ammonite among the sand dunes of the ...
Based on the positioning of the horses, researchers determined that the animals may have been buried as part of a sacrifice.
Last year, claims that OpenAI's GPT-4 model beat 90% of trainee lawyers on the bar exam generated a flurry of media hype. But ...
A reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions may have caused "80% of the measured increase in planetary heat uptake since 2020." ...
Mutations in "junk DNA" could be responsible for rare genetic cases of intellectual disability, new research hints.
Europe's awakening Campi Flegrei volcano experienced its biggest seismic swarm in 40 years, with 150 earthquakes rocking the ...
A small modeling study suggests that some patients with severe traumatic brain injury may have recovered had they been kept ...
We may never run out of oil, though known reserves are expected to last for about 50 years, current estimates suggest.
Newly discovered dinosaur — the apex predator of its environment — had a weirdly flat skull compared to its contemporaries, ...
While the push to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is spurring alternatives to petroleum in other sectors, phasing out plastic ...
A new proof-of-concept device trapped solar radiation and used it to heat an object to a blistering 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit ...