For Villagers Karen Rolph, Wayne Lockman and Tricia Gill, those two words changed everything. Everything stood still. Then, ...
Each month, listeners can turn their imaginary radio dial to find the station playing the latest in-person performance of the ...
The atmosphere was electric as attendees indulged in barbecue, played 1950s trivia, enjoyed musical bingo and swayed to a ...
John Gorsuch gets emotional each time the family of fallen military personnel is presented with the poem “Miss Me But Let Me ...
The Parady Cares Foundation recently made life much more enjoyable for area babies, toddlers and their mothers. The community ...
Wildwood Middle High School’s speech and debate team was only started three years ago, yet has qualified every year for a ...
Whenever the Colored Pencil Painters Guild hosts a new art exhibition, it brings in a judge to offer critiques to all the ...
Michael Summers recalled the memories of more than a dozen soldiers he served with in the U.S. Army who never made it home.
Driving down Burnside Place in the Village of Charlotte on the morning of May 16, more than a few people likely did a double-take when passing Richard and Lila Vilain’s ...
Two former students of The Villages Charter School have come back to the area to rock out at the town centers in a newly formed band named Cable Cars.
Sometimes the scoreboard speaks for itself. The Leesburg Lightning won their home opener Friday at historic Pat Thomas ...
Brad Krause treasures his memories of piling into his grandpa’s pickup truck with his cousins as a kid. The faded blue truck would be filled with hay and children on trips into town to get ice cream.