中國國民黨強盜領兵就不要裝秀才了,不好看。台灣基進秘書長 吳欣岱 ...
加州31歲男子 克利里 (Ian Thomas Cleary)被控2013年性侵賓州一名大學生,後來又在臉書 (Facebook)發訊息給受害女稱:「強姦妳又怎麼樣」,經多年循線搜查,最近克利里終於在法國被拘留。
傳出iPhone 16 Pro Max將升級至6.9吋螢幕,就會是史上最大支的iPhone,iPhone 16 Pro Max的廣角主相機將搭載Sony全新的1/1.14吋IMX903感光元件,超廣角則升級至4,800萬畫素。iPhone 16 ...
[周刊王CTWANT] 萬華一間隱藏版麵包店「菲之軒」受許多在地老饕喜愛,近日卻無預警停業,有網友上網發文原因,才知道是房東一口氣將房租漲2萬元,讓老闆娘吃不消。有人直呼,「又是一間熬過疫情,但熬不過房東的」。
Planning officials have recommended the approval of plans to build 1,500 new homes to expand a Leicestershire town. The ...
Police are warning residents to be vigilant after valuable cars were stolen in two separate burglaries. A Porsche and a BMW ...
A prolific thief who stole 17 tubes of Pringles as part of a series of burglaries and shop thefts told police “once you pop, ...
Work has started to create a new events space and car park on derelict land in a Nottinghamshire town centre. The site to the ...
A two-day festival in Bristol has announced its final line-up, with many local acts added to the bill. FORWARDS takes places on The Downs from 31 August - 1 September with LCD Soundsystem, Four Tet, ...
The Corral Fire southwest of Tracy prompted authorities to shut down Interstate 580 from Corral Hollow to Interstate 5.
There is a road closure at Kansas Avenue and I-635 South. The event affects 480 feet. The traffic alert was issued Saturday ...