More than 100mln people are registered to vote for 57 seats across eight states and federal territories in the seventh phase of the election, including in Modi's constituency in the Hindu holy city of ...
The Express Sandbox is an expedited programme designed to facilitate quicker market entry for solutions or innovations that ...
In a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Live Nation said it found "unauthorized activity" in a third-party cloud database that mainly contained Ticketmaster data, and was working ...
Officials from Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe, countries that make up the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, pledged in principle to broaden use of the special visa, ...
"Government refused to move forward, not even a kobo was added to the 60,000 naira that they proposed on Tuesday and we rightly rejected," the unions said ...
The one-of-a-kind facility will support the UAE in becoming a virtual and physical exporter of plug-and-play cutting-edge AI infrastructure to the world, made in Abu Dhabi ...
With a projected 20% growth by FY2025, the company aims to revolutionise security standards and meet the evolving needs of businesses in the region with an expected target revenue of $2mln ...
The joint venture – a 50:50 partnership of OQ Group of the Sultanate of Oman and Kuwait Petroleum International of Kuwait – also recorded operating expenses (Opex) amounted to $186.2mln for the year ...
The range 6GHz is vital to the future of global connectivity due to its ability to offer high-capacity, city-wide 5G and 5.5G ...
LONDON - Britain's opposition Labour Party said that Diane Abbott, Britain's first Black woman lawmaker, would be able to run in the July 4 election after confusion over her candidacy sparked a ...
Kishida will instruct the government to discuss details of the new plan when he makes the announcement, said the sources, who declined to be named as the matter is private ...
The team had originally aimed to make the circumlunar flight with celebrities on board by the end of last year but that became "unfeasible", the mission said ...