The aesthetic appeal of well-chosen shrubs is hard to overlook. These plants don’t just improve the look of your front yard but also have the potential to increase your overall property value.
Azaleas are one of the most popular choices for spring blooms in shady garden spots - and for a good reason. They stay green, have a long lifespan, and are usually pretty affordable too.
The soil in the Upper Midwest is obviously rich, because the region is bursting with colorful flowers on trees and shrubs and ...
When most of us think about azaleas, we envision the transplants from Japan and Korea that grace southern gardens in spectacular fashion in the spring. As flashy as exotic azaleas may be, the less ...
For generations of gardeners, and certainly for me, rhododendrons represent the arrival of spring in our local landscapes. Everywhere you go this time of year, there is a stunning rhododendron in ...
What: Dwarf Purpleleaf Japanese Barberry, or berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea Concorde, was selected for its small, compact size and dense growth. In spring, deep red-burgundy ...
Improper soil pH. Azaleas, rhododendron and many other plants require an acidic soil pH. Be very careful when applying lime to lawns and other plants and avoid applications near or around azaleas ...
Spring is officially here, and with its arrival we can finally enjoy the multitude of blooming plants that usher in the growing season. Among the most popular are azaleas, a mainstay of landscapes ...
If overgrown shrubs or bushes are taking over your yard, you can have them completely removed for $800 on average. Most homeowners will pay between $400 and $1,150 for bush removal, and ...
It has been reported that long-running sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf will be returning for a new set of three specials in 2025, the first time the show has been seen on-screen since 2020. British Comedy ...